
  • Severing Ties: The primary function of scissors is to cut, thus they often symbolize the act of ending or severing something. This could be a toxic relationship, a negative habit, an outgrown belief, or a situation that no longer serves you.
  • Decisiveness and Control: Scissors in dreams can represent taking charge and making clear decisions on how you want to shape your life. They may signify a need to take decisive action to eliminate what is no longer needed.
  • Transformation and Change: By cutting something away, scissors initiate a process of transformation. They can symbolize a readiness for positive change or a necessary clearing to make space for the new.
  • Potential Aggression: Depending on the context of the dream, scissors may also symbolize anger, suppressed hostility, or a desire to inflict harm—either on yourself or others.

Specific considerations

  • What is Being Cut: Pay attention to what you are cutting with the scissors. Hair could imply shedding old identities, fabric suggests changing your approach, and paper might involve breaking a contract or an agreement.
  • Condition of the Scissors: Are the scissors sharp and efficient, or dull and rusty? This reflects your readiness and ability to make the necessary cuts and changes in your life.
  • Emotions Surrounding the Scissors: The feelings you experience in the dream offer key clues. Fear might indicate hesitation, while a sense of liberation points to positive change.

Waking life

  • Taking Back Control: Scissors in your dream may be urging you to take proactive control over your life, setting clear boundaries and eliminating negativity.
  • Unresolved Conflicts: If your dream scissors evoked aggressive feelings, it may be time to confront a lingering conflict or a source of resentment in a healthy way.
  • The Need to Let Go: Dreams involving scissors often nudge you to release the past, end unhealthy patterns, or let go of what no longer aligns with your growth.

Dream dictionary from A to Z