AI Dream Interpreter

For your own
fully personalized AI dream interpreter,
use the Mirror Dream Interpretation App.

Write down your dream in as much detail as you can remember. Try to relive the emotions you were feeling in your dream, to situate yourself in the place where you were, and to imagine being with the people you were with.

The more information about your dream you are able to remember and write down, the deeper and more insightful your dream interpretation will be.

You can write in a narrative, descriptive, poetic, bullet pointed or any style that feels most natural and true to your dream.

Mirror’s AI dream interpreter provides you with suggestions as to what could be the meaning of your dream.

Read the AI dream interpreter’s report carefully and critically. Reflect on the suggestions and on the particular way in which they can apply to you and your dream.

Expanding and inspiring yourself from the insights that AI dream interpreter provoked in you, write your own personal interpretation of your dream. What is your dream trying to reveal to you about yourself? About your relationships?About your behaviors and habits? Draw connections between the symbols and your waking life, your past experiences and other symbols from your dream and symbols from your other dreams.

Visual process of how to perform dream analysis. It shows the different steps of dream interpretation such as developing a psychological profile, writing your dreams, analyzing your dreams, interpreting your dreams, and creating intentions from the insights and meaning unraveled through dream analysis. The graph shows that all steps feeds the ai dream interpreter.

Here is the ultimate virtuous feedback loop to analyze and transform yourself by learning from your dreams.

Any real dream interpretation that generates real insights needs to put who you are at the forefront, else your efforts in interpreting your dreams are ultimately vain.

To understand why you have generated these symbols while sleeping, it is primordial to extensively map out who you are across multiple dimensions of your own individuality.

Now that you’ve started developing your psychological profile and that you have a clearer comprehension of you who are, each time you write down your dream, pay close attention to the symbols that appeared, like the colors, objects, people, locations, actions, and try to see the threads that connect them to your waking life.

Ask yourself: what could this symbol represent about me? What elements of my waking life might have prompted my mind to generate such an image?

Now that you’ve considered each of the symbols that appeared in your dream and their broader implication and relation to your waking life, you can intersect them with each other to interpret the overall moral of the dream or can highlight the meaning of the most insightful symbols.

This is where most stop, but this step is the most important because it is the one that creates growth.

By setting clear intentions on how you are going to apply what you have unraveled about yourself, you can ensure that you will progress with concrete actions into a better, more complete version of yourself.