
  • Communication and Expression: Saliva is essential for speaking and articulating ourselves clearly. Dreams involving saliva often represent themes of communication, self-expression, and the ability to convey your thoughts and feelings.
  • Desire and Attraction: Saliva plays a role in sexual arousal. In dreams, it can symbolize physical desire, passion, and intimate connection.
  • Digestion and Nourishment: In its literal function, saliva begins the process of digestion. It can represent taking in, absorbing, or processing experiences, information, or emotions.
  • Discomfort or Vulnerability: For some, the presence of saliva in a dream might evoke feelings of disgust, shame, or a sense of being out of control. This could reflect anxieties about self-expression or repressed emotions.

Specific considerations

  • Quantity: Excessive drooling could represent feelings of being overwhelmed or a lack of control over your emotions. Conversely, a dry mouth might symbolize difficulty expressing yourself clearly.
  • Actions: Spitting could express anger, disgust, or a need to purge something. Being the recipient of someone else’s spit might symbolize feeling disrespected or disregarded.
  • Context: Consider the overall context of the dream. Is saliva associated with eating, speaking, a romantic situation, or something entirely different?

Waking life

  • Communication Challenges: Do you struggle with expressing yourself effectively, or feel unheard in your waking life? The dream might be highlighting this issue.
  • Unexpressed Emotions: Saliva dreams could indicate a need to confront and process difficult or suppressed emotions.
  • Physical Desires: Saliva in a sexual context might simply reflect physical urges or, depending on other dream elements, point to deeper longings for intimacy or connection.
  • Interpersonal Dynamics: Explore whether saliva in your dream highlights any power imbalances or challenges expressing your boundaries within specific relationships.

Dream dictionary from A to Z