What is the meaning of falling during a dream?

Illustration of someone falling in his dreams. This image is shown for those who are looking to understand the meaning of dreaming about falling, be it the body falling, or teeth falling in a dream, or any sensations relating to falling in a dream.


  • Loss of control: One of the primary interpretations of falling in a dream is a sense of losing control in your waking life. You may feel overwhelmed, insecure, or like circumstances are spiraling away from you.
  • Fear of failure: Falling dreams can symbolize a fear of failure, either in a specific situation or in a broader life context. You may be facing a challenge and fear the consequences of not succeeding.
  • Insecurity or vulnerability: Feeling like you’re falling might represent a lack of support or stability. This could relate to relationships, career, or a general sense of being emotionally adrift.
  • Letting go: In some cases, falling in a dream might be a positive sign. It could indicate surrendering to change, releasing old burdens, or a willingness to take risks.

Specific considerations

  • Context matters: The specifics of your falling dream are crucial. Are you falling slowly, uncontrollably, or endlessly? Is there a feeling of fear or exhilaration? These details help refine the interpretation.
  • Personal associations: What does falling mean to you? Do you have a fear of heights or a past experience that could give this symbol additional significance?

Waking life

  • Journal your dream: Write down the details of your falling dream immediately upon waking. This will aid in recall and analysis.
  • Reflect on your life: Are there situations where you feel out of control, insecure, or afraid of failing? Connecting your dreams to waking experiences can unlock their meanings.

Dream dictionary from A to Z